Evenings of Rest

Next Date:  to be announced

What is the format?  These evenings are all about rest –  Restful worship, quiet music, scriptures, liturgy and vespers. Come and get refreshed in your soul and spirit.  Come and tenderly worship Him.  Come and listen and rest in Him.  This is a time to slow down and re-set your gaze on Jesus.

 Who can come?  We open our evening events to all who desire to set aside 1.5 hours to give for focus on adoration Jesus.

Suggestions on what to  bring:  for those who like to rest, perhaps a pillow, afghan or small blanket, small mat, a fold up lounge chair.  For those who like to listen and engage in silent prayer:  your Bible,  journal and pen.

***This is a free event but an offering plate will be available at the back should you wish to donate an optional free-will offering.  Thank you.